Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 1 cup(s) bulghur

  2. 1 onion

  3. 1 tablespoon(s) chili paste

  4. 1 teaspoon(s) cumin

  5. 1 cup(s) semolina

  6. 1 salt

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. For Inside;

  2. 250 gr ground beef 1 sp butter 3 onions 1/2 gl walnuts black pepper salt cumin Soak bulgur with 1 cup boiled water,let stand half an hour,add semolina, chopped onion,chili paste,salt,cumin,and knead.

  3. cook 2-3min minced meat with butter, then add the chopped onion cook 6-7 minutes. Add spices and finely chopped walnuts. cook for some min and let it cool.

  4. The most difficult part start now, get some bulghur as big as a walnut, and with one finger, open it from middle, and make it bigger with turning in your hand, it should be like a bell pepper.

  5. It should be thin enough, when it is big and thin enough fill it with mince we prepared.

  6. after you prepared close the mouth of it.

  7. Boil some water and put the readp balls, and cook 8 min, you can also fry it.

  8. Serve it warm..

  9. Bon appetit...


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