Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 24 Red sweet peppers

  2. 1 tb Whole cloves

  3. 1 Blade mace

  4. 3 Inch stick cinnamon

  5. 1 tb Allspice

  6. 1 sm Piece ginger root

  7. 1 tb Whole mustard seed

  8. 4 c Vinegar

  9. 7 c Sugar

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Wash peppers, remove seeds and membranes.

  2. Soak overnight in a brine made in proportion of 1 tablespoon salt to 1 quart water.

  3. Drain and chop peppers.

  4. Heat spices, vinegar, and sugar.

  5. Add peppers.

  6. Simmer 1/2 hour.

  7. Strain.

  8. Pack peppers in freshly sterilized jars.

  9. Boil down the pickle sirup until thick and pour over peppers until jar is filled.

  10. The Household Searchlight


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