Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 500 rams peeled cucumbers

  2. 2 teaspoons fenugreek soaked in water

  3. 2 large onions chopped

  4. 1 sprig curry leaf

  5. 1 piece cinnamon

  6. 2 chefs spoons coconuts powder

  7. 3 green chilli's chopped

  8. 2 crushed cardamom

  9. 2 teaspoons maldive fish

  10. 1 lime

  11. teaspoon turmeric powder

  12. salt to taste

  13. 500 ml water

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Add all the ingredients except the coconut powder and lime with 500ml water and cook slowly till the cucumber is tender.

  2. Add the coconut powder season and add the lime to taste.

  3. Do not boil as it will curdle.

  4. Remove from heat.

  5. It should be thick and rich.


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