• 3servings
  • 15minutes

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Nutrition Info . . .

NutrientsLipids, Cellulose

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. Tamarind (a lemon size)

  2. Oil (or ghee) 2tbsp

  3. 1/4tsp Mustard seeds (to season)

  4. Cumin seeds one tsp

  5. Curry leaves one cup

  6. To fry and grind

  7. Red chilies 4 (to 5 nos)

  8. Coriander seeds one tsp

  9. Pepper one tsp

  10. Bengal gram dak 1 tbsp

  11. Urad dal 1tbsp

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Heat a pan, add two tsp of oil and fry all given ingredients separately.

  2. To this add fresh curry leaves and grind them in to a thick paste by adding required water.

  3. Season mustard, cumin seeds, 3 to 5 garlic (optional) in ghee or oil, add the grounded paste to it and a cup of water .

  4. Allow to boil in, medium flame for five minutes.

  5. Transfer it to serving bowl and serve hot.

  6. This kulambu tastes well while mixing with hot rice and ghee. For those who like garlic flavor, it can also be grounded with other ingredients instead of frying


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