Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. soaked in warm water for - 20

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. (10 min each side), until completely done. Serve with Buddhist Nuoc Leo. ~- Disclaimer: This recipe is fat-city. There is another form of spring roll skin which is inherently sticky and stretchy (white and barely opaque), and doesn't require deep frying. (One could lighly saute the carrots and potatoes beforehand.) I can't remember what this wrapper is called. BTW - With this alternate type of "spring roll" fresh chinese parsley or cilantro is often included. ~- Side note: About forming a spring roll from quartered rice paper... Roll down once V : ** ** ** ** FILLING ** : Then turn in -> ** FILLING ** <- Turn in * * * * * * * * | Continue rolling * * | down * * V * * *


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