Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. Picadillo

  2. 1 tbs olive oil

  3. 1 cup chopped onion

  4. 1/2 large green pepper, diced

  5. 1 pound ground beef

  6. 1/3 cup pitted green olives

  7. 2 tbs white vinegar

  8. 2 tbs Worcestershire sauce

  9. 2 cloves garlic, crushed

  10. 1/4 cup raisins

  11. 15 oz can tomato sauce

  12. Heat oil in frying pan and add onions. Saute until onions are

  13. golden, but not black. Add the garlic and green pepper and gently

  14. saute about 5 minutes. Add the ground beef, break up into small

  15. pieces and cook until it browns. Drain excess fat. Add the tomato

  16. sauce, Worcestershire sauce, and vinegar. Cook on low heat about 30 min. Add salt and pepper to taste. Add olives about 5 minutes

  17. before serving. Serve over yellow rice. 4 servings.


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