• 50minutes

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Nutrition Info . . .

MineralsZinc, Copper, Calcium

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  1. 149.00, no tax, no shipping. Three weeks later it is now

  2. 199.00. How can they justify

  3. 50 increase in this economy? Maybe if enough people complain they will get the price back to where it should be for a weed eater turned upside down.

  4. It is easier to till leaves in the soil if the leaves are shredded. Once tilled in, the trillions of microbes in my soil (I don't have dirt) will turn them into fine compost ready for this spring planting. As you can see the rows are straight and deep beckoning for plants. In the spring I will spread fertilizer on the rolls and till once more. There isn't much that feels better than in the spring to walk bare foot behind the tiller in warm soil that is like fluff and feel the earth that will give life to succulent vegetables

  5. 37 years ago, has it third transmission and third engine. It also has the second set of tines which had its edges protected from wear by welding carbide to the tines. I hadn't realized I had actually worn off

  6. 2 inches of steel over the years. My neighbor whom I garden with calls it the beast as it has

  7. 2 extra sets of tines and cuts a

  8. 36 inch path. Put the drag bar as low as possible and hang on.

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  1. As a designer of products this shredder is not a bad item, it serves the purpose. You will find many comments on the assembly and it was an interesting item to figure out how it went together. I just wasn’t sure it would handle the large 6 inch Plains tree leaves. On the coarse setting it operated well. On smaller leaves it works well, it will not eat branches. It cuts with .80 plastic line and comes with 24 extra lines. The line held up reasonable well for the leather leaves it was subjected to. I found it worked best if leaves were floated in, not crammed.

  2. Spread a large cloth on the grass and let it work. For the 149.00 it was a great deal, for 199.00, it is still the best shredder for “LEAVES” I have found. My machinist friend and I will try and build the commercial model. Bigger motor and heavier line as I like things that rips it up. For most anyone with a lot leaves this unit will be just fine. Shred on.


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