• 4servings
  • 320calories

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Nutrition Info . . .

MineralsNatrium, Calcium

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 1 3/4 lbs (875 g) Yukon gold potatoes, peeled and quartered

  2. 1 3/4 (8 ml) tsp salt , divided

  3. 1 cup (250 ml) whipping (35%) cream

  4. 1/4 cup (50 ml) unsalted butter

  5. 1/4 tsp (1 ml) freshly ground black pepper

  6. Flat beater

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Variation:

  2. These potatoes lend themselves to a million variations. Its easy to give this standby a complete makeover by adding Parmesan cheese, pesto or tapenade.

  3. Place potatoes in a large saucepan and cover with water. Season with 1 tsp (5 ml) salt and bring to boil over medium-high heat. Reduce heat and simmer, uncovered, until tender, about 20 minutes. Drain and return potatoes to the pan over medium heat for a moment to dry them out.

  4. Meanwhile, in a small saucepan, heat whipping cream and butter over medium heat until butter is melted and cream is steaming. Keep warm.

  5. Transfer potatoes to the mixer bowl. Attach the flat beater and mixer bowl to the mixer. Set to Speed 2 and mix until potatoes are just mashed. Slowly add cream mixture, ¾ tsp (3 ml) salt and pepper; mix until just creamy. Do not overmix: the potatoes should be creamy but still lumpy, and may seem loose. Return to the pan to warm and stiffen over low heat. Serve hot.


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