Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 16 Turkey

  2. 16 Celery

  3. 4 oz 113g Fat-free cream cheese

  4. 1/4 cup 59ml Crushed pineapple (juice pack) - drained

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Recipe Instructions Mix fat-free cream cheese and pineapple. Spread approximately 2 teaspoons of the mixture on each slice of turkey. Wrap turkey around each celery strip. Serve chilled. This recipe yields 8 servings. Nutritional Analysis Per Serving: Calories 80; Fat (grams) 2; Percent calories from fat 22; Percent polyunsaturated 4; Percent saturated 12; Percent monounsaturated 6; Cholesterol (milligrams) 20; Sodium (milligrams) 540; Protein (grams) 12; Carbohydrate (grams) 4.


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