Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 1 cup raisins

  2. 1-1/2 cups boiling water

  3. 1 cup shortening

  4. 1 cup sugar

  5. 2 eggs

  6. 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

  7. 3 cups all-purpose flour

  8. 1 teaspoon baking soda

  9. 1/8 teaspoon salt

  10. 1/2 cup chopped walnuts BROWN SUGAR FROSTING:

  11. 6 to 8 tablespoons heavy whipping cream, divided

  12. 1/4 cup packed brown sugar

  13. 2 tablespoons butter

  14. 2 cups confectioners' sugar

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Place raisins in a bowl. Add boiling water; let stand for 5 minutes. Drain, reserving 1/4 cup liquid; set the raisins and liquid aside. In a large bowl, cream shortening and sugar until light and fluffy. Add eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition. Beat in vanilla. Combine the flour, baking soda and salt; add to the creamed mixture alternately with reserved liquid, beating well after each addition. Stir in walnuts and raisins. Drop by rounded teaspoonfuls 2 in. apart onto ungreased baking sheets. Bake at 375° for 9-11 minutes or until lightly browned. Cool for 2 minutes before removing to wire racks to cool completely. In a small saucepan, combine 4 tablespoons cream, brown sugar and butter. Cook and stir until mixture comes to a full boil; boil for 1 minute. Place confectioners' sugar in a bowl; add hot cream mixture and enough of the remaining cream to achieve spreading consistency. Frost cooled cookies. Yield: 6-1/2 dozen.


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