Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 1 lb Shark fillets (3/4" thick)

  2. 1/3 c Lemon juice

  3. 1/4 c Chopped parsley

  4. 1 T Chopped fresh basil, or 1 t Dried basil

  5. 1 x Clove garlic, minced

  6. 2 T Seafood sauce or chili sauce

  7. 1 T Light soy sauce

  8. 8 hours. Remove fish from bag and save marinade. Place fish onrack of pre-heated broiler about 3 inches from heat and broil for 3-5 minutes. Turn fillets over, brush top with marinade and broil an additional

  9. 5-8 minutes until fish flakes or is done to taste. Boil rest of marinade until it's reduced by half and pour over fillets when serving.


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