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  1. MMMMM-- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04

  2. Title: Pepper Corn Pasta

  3. Categories: Crs, Makepasta

  4. Yield: 1 servings

  5. MMMMM--HAND--

  6. 3/4 c Durum semolina

  7. 1/4 ts Black pepper, coarsley

  8. Ground 1/3 ts Crushed red pepper

  9. OR 1 ts Fresh oregano, chopped


  11. 1 c Durum semolina

  12. 1/4 c Cornmeal

  13. 1/3 ts Black pepper, coarsely

  14. Ground 1/2 ts Crushed red pepper

  15. 1/3 ts Dried oregano

  16. 1 cl Garlic, minced

  17. 1 Egg

  18. 1 tb Vegetable oil, optional

  19. 2 tb Water, if and as needed

  20. Use yellow or blue cornmeal. The blue gives an interesting color. Add

  21. 1 cup Serving:

  22. 222calories

  23. 9.1g protein

  24. 40g carbohydrate

  25. 2.8g fat

  26. 53.4mg sodium

  27. The Pasta Machine Cookbook Donna Rathmell German ISBN: 1-55867-081-5

  28. Entered by Carolyn Shaw 4-95.

  29. MMMMM


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