Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. Easy Spicy Beans and Rice

  2. 2 C. Brown rice (uncooked), or 4 C. cooked

  3. 2 15-oz cans of any type of beans

  4. 1/2 C. salsa

  5. 1 clove garlic, minced (or 1 tsp. minced garlic-in-a-jar)

  6. 1/2 large red onion, chopped

  7. 2 tsp cumin

  8. 2 C tomato (ie spagetti) sauce

  9. 10 dashes tabasco sauce

  10. If using uncooked rice, start it cooking.

  11. Rinse canned beans thoroughly in a colander. In a large nonstick frying

  12. pan add salsa, garlic, onions, and cumin. Saute until onions are limp.

  13. Add tomato sauce and tabasco sauce, and simmer.

  14. If using cooked rice, reheat it now.

  15. Five minutes before the rice is ready, stir the beans in gently and simmer until well heated.

  16. Serve beans over rice.

  17. From "Think Light" meal program, which states:

  18. Per serving - 424

  19. 5% cff

  20. 84 gms carb.

  21. 21 gms protein.

  22. 450 mg sodium.

  23. 25 gms fiber.


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