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    Nutrition Info . . .

    VitaminsB1, H, E
    MineralsCalcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus

    Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

    1. 1/2 gallon cherry, raspberry or fudge ripple ice cream

    2. Peanut M&Ms

    3. 2-liter bottle root beer

    4. Red string licorice

    5. Gummy snakes

    6. Red sugar

    Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

    1. Freeze the ice cream well. To make eyeballs, dip a large melon baller or rounded coffee scoop into warm water and scoop out 16 eyeball-shaped servings. Insert a peanut M&M halfway into the center of each ball. Place on a plate and refreeze.

    2. Freeze the ice cream well. To make eyeballs, dip a large melon baller or rounded coffee scoop into warm water and scoop out 16 eyeball-shaped servings. Insert a peanut M&M halfway into the center of each ball. Place on a plate and refreeze.

    3. If you like, prepare the glasses for the brew by frosting the rims with red sugar. Fill glasses with root beer 2 inches from the top, and garnish with string licorice and gummy snake. Just before serving, let kids pick two eyeballs from the plate and drop them in the brew. Give the potion a quick stir to make it bubble and froth. Serve with a straw and a spoon. Makes enough for 8 kids.


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