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    Nutrition Info . . .

    MineralsCalcium, Potassium

    Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

    1. 1 recipe

    2. Butter Pecan Ice Cream "Frosting" or Banana Split "Frosting"

    3. 1 package 2-layer-size

    4. 2-layer-size desired flavor cake mix

    Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

    1. Prepare and freeze desired ice cream "frosting." Meanwhile, line twenty-four 2-1/2-inch muffin cups with paper bake cups or lightly grease muffin cups; set aside.

    2. Prepare and bake cake mix according to package directions for cupcakes using prepared muffin cups. Cool cupcakes in pans on wire racks for 5 minutes. Remove cupcakes from pans; cool completely on wire racks.

    3. Remove paper bake cups, if using, from 12 of the cupcakes. Save remaining cupcakes for another use. Place the 12* cupcakes on serving plates or in shallow bowls. Top each cupcake as directed in the "frosting" recipes below. Serve immediately. Makes 12 topped cupcakes.

    4. Butter Pecan Ice Cream "Frosting": Line a large baking sheet with waxed paper; set aside. Using a 2- to 3-inch-diameter ice cream scoop, drop 12 scoops of butter pecan ice cream onto prepared baking sheet. Cover and freeze 4 hours or up to 3 days. To serve, place a scoop of ice cream on each cupcake. Top evenly with 3/4 cup caramel ice cream topping and 3/4 cup chopped toasted pecans.

    5. Note: Assemble only as many desserts as you are serving. Store unfrosted cupcakes in an airtight container for up to 3 days or freeze for up to 3 months. Thaw cupcakes before assembling.

    6. Banana Split "Frosting": Prepare Butter Pecan Ice Cream "Frosting" as above, except substitute strawberry or banana split ice cream for the butter pecan ice cream. Top ice cream with 3/4 cup chocolate fudge ice cream topping, 1 cup chopped banana, and 3/4 cup chopped dry-roasted peanuts instead of the caramel topping and pecans.


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