Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 1 red chilli, chopped finely

  2. 1 birdeye chilli, chopped finely

  3. 2 pieces of shallot , chopped finely

  4. 1 teaspoon of onion , chopped finely

  5. 2 teaspoon of ginger , chopped finely

  6. 3 teaspoon of preserved radish (choy po), chopped finely

  7. 1 teaspoon of fish sauce

  8. 1 teaspoon of thai chilli paste

  9. 3 teaspoon of sukiyaki sauce

  10. 2 teaspoon of oil

  11. 1 teaspoon of sugar

  12. 1 teaspoon of honey

  13. 1 cup of prawn shell

  14. 2 cups of water

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Heat up oil (1/2 teaspoon) and fry the prawn shell.

  2. Once all the shell turn red, add in water and leave it to boil for about a min.

  3. Sieve the stock out.

  4. Heat up the balance of the oil. Fry all the finely chopped ingredients till fragant.

  5. Mix the prawn stock with the rest of the ingredients.

  6. Add in the mixture to the frying items in pan.

  7. Once boil, dish out. Served after it is cool.


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