Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. jelly

  2. spaghetti

  3. dried apricots

  4. cocktail sausages

  5. grapes

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. This is a suitably gruesome game for a bone-tingling party. You will need several ice-cream containers with holes cut out of the lids.

  2. Fill up the containers with various cooked and uncooked foodstuffs that could be mistaken for "body parts", for example, semi-set jelly with spaghetti could feel like gizzards; cold spaghetti or drained whole tinned tomatoes could be intestines; dried apricots could feel like old ears; grapes tucked inside peeled lychees like eyes; cocktail sausages like fingers and pasta shells could be toenails – let your imagination run wild.

  3. Blindfold the kids and get them to sit in a circle (or take turns at the table) and pass round the containers putting their hands into the holes and guessing what the contents are. If the kids guess correctly, award them with a gruesome gift.

  4. See more spooky Halloween ideas here .


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