• 4servings
  • 239calories

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Nutrition Info . . .

VitaminsB2, B3, B9, B12
MineralsChromium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Cobalt

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 4 large baking potatoes

  2. 350g jar of cherry tomato sauce with basil and Parmesan

  3. 100g (4oz) grated Cheddar cheese

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Cut four large cooked baking potatoes into wedges and scoop out the middle (you can keep this for pie toppings or a side dish).

  2. Place wedges, skin-side down, in a roasting tin and drizzle over a little oil. Bake for 10 mins.

  3. Pour over a 350g jar 350g jar of cherry tomato sauce with basil and Parmesan.

  4. Top with 100g (4oz) grated Cheddar cheese and bake for a further 10 mins, until oozing.


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