• 8servings
  • 480minutes

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Nutrition Info . . .

NutrientsProteins, Lipids, Carbohydrates
VitaminsB2, B3, B9, B12, C, P
MineralsChromium, Silicon, Calcium, Sulfur, Phosphorus, Cobalt

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 3 cups cooked elbow macaroni rinsed and drained

  2. 2 tablespoons bacon bits

  3. 1/4 cup chopped red onion

  4. 1 can stewed tomatoes undrained

  5. 1-1/2 cups shredded sharp cheddar cheese

  6. 1 can cream of mushroom soup

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. In a slow cooker combine macaroni, bacon bits, onion, undrained stewed tomatoesand Cheddar cheese.

  2. Pour mushroom soup over top.

  3. Mix well to combine.

  4. Cover and cook on low 8 hours.

  5. Mix well before serving.


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