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    Nutrition Info . . .

    NutrientsLipids, Cellulose
    MineralsNatrium, Cobalt

    Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

    1. 1/4 Cup Fresh Lemon Juice

    2. 4 Tablespoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil

    3. 3 Tablespoon Fresh Oregano (Chopped)

    4. 1 1/2 Teaspoon Kosher Salt

    5. 1 Teaspoon Black Pepper (Freshly Ground)

    6. 1 Pound Lamb Chops

    Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

    1. In a Pyrex baking dish just large enough to hold the lamb chops in a single layer, combine the lemon juice, 3 Tablespoons of the olive oil, oregano, salt and pepper. Place the lamb in the dish and turn to coat the chops with the marinade. Cover and refrigerate while you make the salsa verde. (If you marinate the lamb the night before, it's even better.)

    2. Preheat the oven to 250 F.

    3. In a large skillet, heat the remaining 1 Tablespoon olive oil over high heat until almost smoking. Remove the chops from the marinade. Sear in 2 batches on both sides just to brown the chops, then reduce the heat to medium-high and cook for about 4 minutes per side for shoulder chops, 2 1/2 minutes per side for rib chops and 1 1/2 minutes per side for loin chops for medium-rare, adding another 20-30 seconds per side for medium-well done. Place the first batch of chops on an ovenproof platter in the oven to keep warm while you cook the remaining chops.

    4. Remove the chops from the oven and let rest for 3 minutes to allow the juices to be re-absorbed. Spoon Asparagus-Feta Salsa Verde (see separate recipe) over the chops and serve immediately.

    5. Cat's Notes:

    6. I like lamb shoulder chops, which give you the best value for your money. If you find pencil-sized, extra-young asparagus, you don't need to cook it. Just slice the stalks thinly on the bias, coat with a tablespoon of olive oil, and season with salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste before you mix with the other salsa ingredients.


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