• 6servings
  • 439calories

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Nutrition Info . . .

NutrientsProteins, Carbohydrates, Cellulose
VitaminsB3, B9, B12, D
MineralsZinc, Copper, Natrium, Magnesium, Phosphorus

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 2 pounds cubed beef chuck roast

  2. 4 carrots, chopped

  3. 2 onions, sliced into rings

  4. 2 tablespoons brown sugar

  5. 1/2 cup Burgundy wine

  6. 3 tablespoons tapioca

  7. salt to taste

  8. ground black pepper to taste

  9. 1 (28 ounce) can crushed tomatoes

  10. 1 (8 ounce) can tomato sauce

  11. 2 cups canned potatoes

  12. 1 (5 ounce) can water chestnuts

  13. 2 cups canned mushrooms, drained

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Preheat oven to 250 degrees F (120 degrees C).

  2. Combine the cubed chuck, carrots, onions, brown sugar, wine, tapioca, tomatoes, tomato sauce in a large baking dish. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

  3. Bake at 250 degrees F (120 degrees C) for 4 hours. Remove from oven and add stir in the potatoes, water chestnuts and mushrooms.

  4. Raise oven temperature to 300 degrees F (150 degrees C) for 1 more hour.


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