• 4servings
  • 135minutes

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Nutrition Info . . .

NutrientsLipids, Carbohydrates, Cellulose
MineralsNatrium, Fluorine, Chlorine, Phosphorus, Cobalt

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓


  2. Grated jaggery - 1 cup

  3. Water - 1 cup

  4. Cardamom (seeds) - 3

  5. Coconut (bits) - 2 tbsp


  7. Rice flour - 1 cup

  8. other grains - 1/4

  9. Water - 2 cups

  10. Coconut bits - 2 tbsp

  11. Salt - As needed

  12. To grind:

  13. Green chilli - 2 nos

  14. Ginger - 1 (1 inch) piece

  15. To temper:

  16. Cooking oil - 1 tbsp

  17. Mustard seeds - 1/2 tsp

  18. Urad dal - 1 tsp

  19. Hing - 2 generous pinches

  20. Curry leaves - f(ew)

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑


  2. Wash & soak raw rice for 1.5 hours and drain all the water completely.Spread the rice in a news paper or white cloth to absorb all the excess water . Grind in mixie to make a fine powder. Sieve & dry roast the flour in low flame till u get light fumes from the flour.. This is called processed rice flour. We use this flour for making adai.

  3. Usually i make the flour ready in the previous day and make adai the next day ..

  4. For 1 cup of raw rice , we get approx 1.75 cups of flour..

  5. Roast karamani and other grains in little oil till nice aroma emanates.. Roast in medium flame for 6-8 mins. Pressure cook the grains adding 1cup of water. Drain the water and keep the grains aside.

  6. Take water & grated jaggery in a wide bowl .Heat it and melt the jaggery completely. Strain the jaggery syrup and again transfer to the same bowl.

  7. Allow the syrup to boil till the jaggery smell leaves..Now add the cooked karamani , coconut bits , cardamom powder and boil for sometime. Keep the flame low & add the rice flour in one hand while mixing with a ladle in other hand. Make sure to mix well without lumps. The mixture will thicken and will become a dough.

  8. After the dough is warm , grease ur palm with oil and take a small ball lime sized ball of dough. Flatten it like masal vada ..

  9. Steam it in idli pot for 10 - 12 minutes.. Remove & enjoy !


  11. Grind chilli , ginger along with salt to a coarse paste.

  12. Heat oil in a kadai and temper the above ingredients one by one in the same order. Then add water and add the ground green chilli , garlic paste .. Mix well and add the cooked grains, coconut bits . Mix well and allow to boil for sometime.

  13. Then add the rice flour and mix well in low flame to make a dough..

  14. After the dough cools down , make small balls. Pat it like vada and steam in idli pot for 10 – 12 minutes..



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