• 14servings
  • 23minutes

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Nutrition Info . . .

NutrientsProteins, Carbohydrates, Cellulose
VitaminsB1, B2, C
MineralsZinc, Magnesium, Phosphorus

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 2 cups overproof bourbon (such as Wild Turkey 101)

  2. 1 cup dried figs (about 6 ounces), halved

  3. 8 green cardamom pods, crushed

  4. 4 cloves

  5. 2 fresh figs, halved

  6. Strips of zest from 3 oranges

  7. 1 tablespoon cinchona bark

  8. 1/2 teaspoon gentian root

  9. 1/4 cup dried orange peel

  10. One 3-inch cinnamon stick

  11. 1 vanilla bean, split

  12. 2 tablespoons rich syrup (see Note)

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. In a 1-quart glass jar, combine all of the ingredients except the syrup. Cover and shake well. Let stand in a cool, dark place for 2 weeks, shaking the jar daily.

  2. Strain the infused alcohol into a clean 1-quart glass jar through a cheesecloth-lined funnel. Squeeze any infused alcohol from the cheesecloth into the jar; reserve the solids. Strain the infused alcohol again through new cheesecloth into another clean jar to remove any remaining sediment. Cover the jar and set aside for 1 week.

  3. Meanwhile, transfer the solids to a small saucepan. Add 1 cup of water and bring to a boil. Cover and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes; let cool completely. Pour the liquid and solids into a clean 1-quart glass jar. Cover and let stand at room temperature for 1 week, shaking the jar once daily.

  4. Strain the water mixture through a cheesecloth-lined funnel set over a clean 1-quart glass jar; discard the solids. If necessary, strain again to remove any remaining sediment. Add the infused alcohol and the syrup. Cover and let stand at room temperature for 3 days. Pour the bitters through a cheesecloth-lined funnel or strainer and transfer to glass dasher bottles. Cover and keep in a cool, dark place.


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