Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. Cake mix, devils food extra moist type works best

  2. Plus ingredients called for on box

  3. Dark chocolate frosting

  4. Assorted sm. candies; i.e, M&M's & gum drops

  5. 1 sm. tube decorating frosting (orange or green or ?)

  6. Pipe cleaners, construction paper & lots of imagination

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Prepare 2 stainless steel mixing bowl s as you would a cake pan (grease and flour); 1 bowl should be smaller then the other (we use 5 3/4 inch diameter and 7 3/4 inch diameter). Prepare cake mix per box directions and pour into prepared mixing bowls in equal depths. Bake per box (baking time will vary; usually takes 45 minutes to an hour; check with wooden pick for doneness.) Turn baked bowl cakes out on cooling racks. When cool, cut in half, this will be the paws. Set the cat up on a platter . Frost with chocolate frosting. The kids can make a tail and ears out of cardboard; coloring in with crayons. The face is out of decorator frosting. The whisk ers are pipe cleaners. Eyes, nose are candies. This cake has become a Halloween tradition at our house; makes a great centerpiece for Halloween Party. Children love it!


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