• 4servings
  • 30minutes
  • 739calories

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Nutrition Info . . .

NutrientsLipids, Carbohydrates
MineralsPotassium, Cobalt

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 2 tbsp vegetable oil

  2. 1 tbsp cumin seeds, toasted in a hot pan and crushed

  3. 4 spatchcooked poussin , legs and breast pieces

  4. 100g tamarind paste

  5. 250g jaggery or muscovado sugar

  6. 1 tbsp coriander seeds

  7. 1 tbsp cumin seeds

  8. 1 tbsp fennel seeds

  9. 3 green cardamom pods

  10. small knob of fresh ginger , peeled and roughly chopped

  11. 1 green chilli , roughly chopped

  12. large pinch of chilli powder

  13. pinch of ground ginger

  14. large pinch of chaat masala , optional

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. First make the tamarind glaze. Put all the ingredients except the ground ginger and chaat masala in a medium saucepan with 500ml water. Boil for 20 minutes, stirring frequently, until reduced by about half and slightly syrupy. Strain into a bowl to remove all the spices, stir in the ground ginger and chaat masala and leave to cool.

  2. Pour half the glaze into a large bowl and set another 4 tbsp aside to serve (The rest will keep in the fridge for up to a month for a sauce or marinade.) Whisk in the oil and cumin and add the poussin. Cover and marinate in the fridge for half an hour at least - overnight is ideal.

  3. Preheat the oven to fan 180C/conventional 200C/gas 6. Lift the poussin pieces out of the marinade and lay on a roasting tray. Roast for 30 minutes, basting with the cooking juices and the leftover marinade every 5 minutes until the poussins are lacquered and sticky.

  4. To serve, mix the reserved glaze with 1 tablespoon water and drizzle over the poussins on 4 plates. Serve with a mushroom risotto and poppadums.


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