• 12servings
  • 25minutes

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Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. chocolate cupcake (for the body) - you can use a chocolate cake mix or buy already made plain chocolate cupcakes

  2. Canned chocolate icing

  3. chocolate sprinkles (hair)

  4. 2 pieces of eye-type candy (e.g. licorice allsorts) - I have used those tiny cinnamon drops for the 'red' widow type look!

  5. Clean scissors

  6. Ruler

  7. 1 pkt black string lace licorice (legs)

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. If using a cake mix - bake according to package directions and cool completely.

  2. Frost the cupcake with chocolate icing and cover with sprinkles.

  3. Press the eyes into place.

  4. Use scissors to cut eight 4-inch pieces of licorice for the legs for each spider.

  5. Holding all of the legs together in a bunch, bend them in half and crease.

  6. Push the end of each leg into the cupcake as shown.

  7. Recipe and image courtesy of


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