• 2servings
  • 25minutes

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Nutrition Info . . .

NutrientsProteins, Lipids, Cellulose
VitaminsB2, E
MineralsNatrium, Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Cobalt

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 2 cups small cauliflower florets

  2. 2 4-to 5-ounce lamb shoulder blade chops

  3. 2 teaspoons curry powder, divided

  4. 1 tablespoon vegetable oil

  5. 1 teaspoon all purpose flour

  6. 1/4 cup low-salt chicken broth

  7. 1/4 cup whipping cream

  8. 2 tablespoons mango chutney

  9. 2 large green onions, chopped, divided

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Steam cauliflower until crisp-tender, about 4 minutes. Transfer to bowl; sprinkle with salt and pepper.

  2. Sprinkle lamb with salt, pepper, and 3/4 teaspoon curry powder. Heat oil in medium skillet over medium-high heat. Sauté lamb to desired doneness, 4 to 5 minutes per side for medium-rare. Transfer to plates. Pour off oil from skillet.

  3. Add 1 1/4 teaspoons curry powder and flour to skillet; whisk 15 seconds. Add broth, cream, and chutney. Boil until thick, whisking, 2 minutes. Add cauliflower and half of green onions; toss to heat through.

  4. Spoon curried cauliflower over lamb. Sprinkle with remaining green onions.


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