• 12servings
  • 120minutes

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Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 12 baked and cooled cupcakes

  2. 2 can(s) (16 oz each) vanilla frosting

  3. Green colored sugar

  4. 1 tube each black and red decorating icing

  5. 12 flat-bottomed ice cream cones

  6. 2 can(s) (16 oz each) dark chocolate fudge frosting

  7. 1 1/2 cup(s) confectioners' sugar

  8. Wilton Halloween confetti sprinkles

  9. Gumdrops

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Spread cupcakes with some of the vanilla frosting. Sprinkle with colored sugar. Tint a small amount of the remaining frosting black and a small amount red.

  2. With serrated knife, carefully cut top wide edge from ice cream cones. Invert cones and spread sides with some of the vanilla frosting. Mix dark chocolate fudge frosting with confectioners' sugar to make a stiff frosting. Transfer to pastry bag fitted with a #10 tip or put in a large ziptop bag and cut off one large hole. Pipe on beehive hair, starting at bottom and working up.

  3. Transfer 1/4 cup of the remaining vanilla frosting to pastry bag fitted with #3 tip and pipe squiggles onto hair. Attach Halloween sprinkles for eyes. Cut gumdrops into small pieces and use for noses and ears. Pipe on eyelashes and pupils using black icing and mouths using red icing. Attach Halloween sprinkles to ears for earrings. Place Bride of Frankenstein on cupcakes.


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