• 12servings
  • 15minutes

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Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 2 avocados

  2. 8 tbsp salsa

  3. 1 cauliflower

  4. strawberry liquorice, sliced into thin strips

  5. red food colouring

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Slice the avocados in half. Remove the stones and set aside. Scoop the avocado out of the skin into a bowl. Mash with a fork or whisk and stir in the salsa. Set aside. Slice off one side of each stone to make it flat and expose the cores of the stones. They will look like eyes.

  2. Remove all of the leaves from the cauliflower and remove the stem, leaving a nice hollow area with the outer part of the head intact. Use skewers to hold it together if it starts to fall apart.

  3. Place the cauliflower into a small bowl, so that the hollow is facing upwards and most of the cauliflower is up out of the bowl. The bowl is just for stability. Fill with the avocado dip and arrange the stones as eyes. Decorate the white ''brain'' by weaving thin strands of strawberry liquorice laces between the florets to make veins. I wrap the bowl with muslin cloth and decorate with red food colouring to make it even more horrific!


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