• 6servings
  • 170minutes
  • 396calories

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Nutrition Info . . .

NutrientsProteins, Lipids
VitaminsB3, B12, D
MineralsZinc, Copper, Phosphorus, Cobalt

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 1 tbsp juniper berries

  2. 1 tbsp coriander seeds

  3. 1 tbsp black peppercorns

  4. 1 tbsp allspice berries

  5. 2 tbsp olive oil

  6. 2kg-

  7. 3kg (4lb 8oz-6lb 8oz) topside joint of beef - depending on the amount of leftovers you want

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Combine all the spices and ½ tbsp salt together in a pestle and mortar. Give everything a good grind, keeping a little of its coarseness. Rub the oil and then the ground spices all over the beef and massage in well. Cover and chill overnight to marinate.

  2. Next day, heat oven to 190C/170C fan/gas 5. Weigh your joint and roast for 10 mins per 450g for rare meat and 15 mins per 450g for medium, plus an extra 20 mins. Cover and rest for 20 mins while you finish the salads, then slice and serve. Alternatively, roast the beef in the morning and serve at room temperature for dinner.

  3. Matt says...

  4. 'This joint is just as good cold over the next few days as it is hot on Christmas Eve. Take the beef out of the fridge a bit before you want to enjoy the leftovers so it can come up to room temperature and the spicing can come back to life.'


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