Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 2 cups carrots -- sliced thin

  2. 1 cup celery -- thin sliced

  3. 3/4 cup chopped green pepper

  4. 1 large onion -- diced

  5. 1/2 cup barley

  6. 1/4 chopped parsley beef bouillon cubes

  7. 2 teaspoons salt

  8. 3/4 teaspoon dried basil

  9. 2 tablespoons catsup

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Preparation : Layer in crock pot: Vegetables and meat. Barley and spices. Cover with 5 cups water. DO NOT STIR. Cook on low 10 hours; high 6 hours, or combination of above.


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