Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 200 g egg noodles, boiled, drained

  2. 1/2 tbsp fish sauce

  3. 1 tbsp sweet soy sauce

  4. 1 egg, beaten off

  5. 1 large red chilli, sliced

  6. 10 pieces of chicken meatballs, thinly sliced

  7. 1 bunch mustard green stalks, diced

  8. 100 g bean sprouts

  9. 50 ml water

  10. 1 leek, thinly sliced

  11. 1/2 tsp salt

  12. 1/4 tsp pepper

  13. 1 tbsp cooking oil Spices:(puree)

  14. 5 red onions

  15. 3 cloves garlic

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. : 1. Heat 1/2 tablespoon oil, add eggs. Stir until grained, set aside.

  2. Marinate noodles with sweet soy sauce. Set aside.

  3. Saute spices and red chili until fragrant.

  4. Enter chicken meatballs, mix well. Add fish sauce, stir.

  5. Enter mustard green stalks, bean sprouts, egg, and leek. Stir until wilted. Add water and cook until the vegetables cooked.

  6. Enter noodles, salt, and pepper. Cook until cooked and dry.

  7. Serve.


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