Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 30 green cardamom pods , seeds taken from

  2. 15 whole cloves

  3. 5 black cardamom pods

  4. 4 cinnamon sticks

  5. 5 tablespoons black cumin seeds or 5 tablespoons normal cumin seeds

  6. 2 tablespoons coriander seeds

  7. 1 tablespoon fennel seed

  8. 2 teaspoons black peppercorns

  9. 1/2 teaspoon fenugreek seeds

  10. 1/2 whole nutmeg , broken into small pieces

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Bash the nutmeg in a plastic bag with a rolling pin to break it into several smaller pieces!

  2. Remove the seeds from the Cardamom pods - again, a gentle bash with a rolling pin will suffice, or use a pestle and mortar.

  3. Place all the spices in a dry-frying pan or skillet and heat over a very low heat, stirring constantly.

  4. As soon as the aroma from the spices is released, remove the pan from the heat. (This step is essential to release the aromatic oils from the spices.).

  5. Working with only a small quantity at a time, put the spices in an electric blender or coffee grinder and grind them to a fine powder. (Takes about 30 to 40 seconds per handful of spices).

  6. Allow to cool. Store the Garam Masala in an air-tight container. As long as the container is tightly closed after each use, it should last for about 2 - 3 months with no adverse affects to the flavour and fragrance.

  7. Use as directed in recipes that call for garam masala.


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