Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 1 1/2 cups water

  2. 1 cup sugar

  3. 1/4 cup thinly sliced peeled ginger

  4. 4 green cardamom pods

  5. 3 whole star anise

  6. 6 clementines or mandarin oranges

  7. 1/2 cup pomegranate seeds

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Bring water, sugar, ginger, cardamom, and star anise to a boil in a small saucepan over medium-high heat, stirring until sugar has dissolved, then simmer, uncovered, stirring occasionally, 10 minutes.

  2. Remove from heat and let steep, covered, 15 minutes. Strain syrup through a sieve into a bowl, discarding solids. Chill, covered, until cold, at least 2 hours.

  3. Cut peel from clementines, including all white pith, with a sharp knife, then cut fruit into 1/4-inch-thick rounds and put in a serving bowl. Add syrup and chill, covered, at least 1 hour. Just before serving, sprinkle with pomegranate seeds (if using).


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