• 15servings
  • 40minutes

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Nutrition Info . . .

NutrientsLipids, Carbohydrates, Cellulose
MineralsSilicon, Calcium, Cobalt

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 200g caster sugar

  2. 250g plain flour

  3. 4 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa

  4. 2 teaspoons bicarbonate of soda

  5. 250ml water

  6. 2 tablespoons grape jam

  7. 250g mayonnaise

  8. 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

  9. Caramel icing:

  10. 50g butter, melted

  11. 75ml single cream

  12. 175g dark brown soft sugar

  13. 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

  14. 220g icing sugar

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Preheat oven to 180 C / Gas 4. Grease 15 muffin cups or line with paper cases.

  2. In a large bowl, stir together the caster sugar, flour, cocoa and bicarb. Make a well in the centre, and pour in the water, grape jam, mayonnaise and 1 teaspoon of vanilla. Mix just until blended. Spoon the cake mixture into the prepared cases.

  3. Bake in the preheated oven until the tops spring back when lightly pressed, 20 to 25 minutes. Cool in the tin set over a wire rack. When cool, arrange the cupcakes on a serving platter.

  4. Make the icing while the cupcakes cool. Combine the butter, cream and dark brown soft sugar in a medium saucepan. Bring to the boil, stirring frequently. Remove from the heat and stir in the icing sugar and vanilla. Set the pan over a bowl of ice water and whisk or beat with an electric mixer until fluffy. Ice cupcakes when they are completely cool.


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