• 24servings
  • 20minutes

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Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 6 small oranges

  2. 135g packet strawberry flavoured jelly

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Cut the oranges in half around the middle (you may need an adult to help with this). Squeeze all the juice out of the oranges and keep it in a jug. Then scrape the flesh out of the skins using a spoon to make little orange ‘bowls’.

  2. Put the orange halves onto a baking tray or plate. Check that it will fit on a shelf in the fridge.

  3. Break the jelly into small cubes and put into a jug, add 100ml cold water and microwave according to the packet instructions. Stir until completely dissolved.

  4. Add 100ml of the orange juice to the jelly, then add 270ml cold water. (Most packets recommend you make the jelly up to 570ml in total but for this recipe you need only 470ml, to make sure the jelly is very firm.)

  5. Pour the jelly into the oranges and put into the fridge to set.

  6. When the jelly is firmly set, halve the oranges again.


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