• 4servings
  • 30minutes

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Nutrition Info . . .

NutrientsLipids, Cellulose
MineralsNatrium, Cobalt

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. Oil for frying

  2. 1 tbsp Chana dal (split chickpea lentil)

  3. Fresh Coconut (half cup small pieces of shredded)

  4. Small pieces of Ginger

  5. cup Tamarind water/ juice

  6. 1 tsp Urad dal or Arhar dal (kind of lentil available in Indian grocery stores)

  7. Spices:

  8. 1tsp Salt

  9. 1/2tsp Red Chili

  10. 1 tsp Mustard seeds

  11. cup Cilantro (coriander)

  12. 2-3 Curry leaves

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Put 1tbsp Mustard oil on the hot pan

  2. Add 1 tbsp of Chana dal, 2 small pieces of Ginger and ½ cup of chopped Coconut

  3. Roast the ingredient

  4. Take the Tamarind water and put some Cilantro leaves in it

  5. You can also use Yogurt or Lemon instead of Tamarind water

  6. Mix the roasted ingredient, Tamarind water, Cilantro leaves together

  7. Add some Sugar, 1 tsp salt, ½ tsp red Chili flake

  8. Blend the mall together well and grind them to make a paste

  9. It is ready now but u can find it some grainy now

  10. To make it smooth add few drops of water and grid it again

  11. Pour the Coconut chutney (paste) in a bowl

  12. Pour some oil in a pan and heat it

  13. Add 1 tsp Mustard seeds and when it will be flattering add some Urad dal

  14. Add 3-4 dry Curry leaves

  15. Give them a quick fry

  16. Add the fried mixture on the top of the Coconut chutney

  17. Try it with Idli, Dosa or any other dish


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