Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 1 large sweet potato , about 300g, peeled and cut into small chunks

  2. Indian curry paste

  3. 180g tin skinless and boneless red salmon

  4. a large handful fresh breadcrumbs (whizz a couple of slices of bread in a food processor)

  5. a small bunch coriander , chopped

  6. 4 tbsp natural yogurt

  7. 100g young leaf spinach , wilted to serve

  8. olive oil

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Boil the sweet potato for 5 minutes then rinse in cold water. Drain really well and mash with the curry paste. Flake the salmon. Add to the potatoes with the breadcrumbs and half the coriander, mix and form into 4 cakes. Chill for 10 minutes. Mix the yogurt and rest of the coriander and season.

  2. Heat 1 tbsp olive oil in a large non-stick pan and fry the cakes for 3 minutes each side until golden and warmed through. Divide the wilted spinach between 2 plates. Sit 2 cakes per person on top and serve with the yogurt.


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