• 80minutes

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Nutrition Info . . .

NutrientsLipids, Carbohydrates
VitaminsB1, H, D, E
MineralsFluorine, Magnesium, Chlorine, Phosphorus

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. Crisp brown rice cereal 2 Cup (32 tbs) (For the Brown Rice Krispy Treats)

  2. Flaked coconut 8 Tablespoon (For the Brown Rice Krispy Treats)

  3. Peanut butter 8 Tablespoon , divided (4 tablespoon for the Brown Rice Krispy Treats and 4 tablespoons for Popcorn Balls)

  4. Honey 10 Tablespoon , divided (6 tablespoon for the Brown Rice Krispy Treats and 4 tablespoons for Popcorn Balls)

  5. Non-hydrogenated margarine 3 Tablespoon , divided (1 tablespoon for the Brown Rice Krispy Treats and 2 tablespoons for Popcorn Balls)

  6. Popped popcorn 6 Cup (96 tbs) (For the Soft and Chewy Popcorn Balls)

  7. Salted peanuts 8 Tablespoon (For the Soft and Chewy Popcorn Balls)

  8. Molasses 2 Tablespoon (For the Soft and Chewy Popcorn Balls)

  9. Vanilla extract 2 Teaspoon

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Directions For the Brown Rice Krispy Treats:

  2. MAKING 1. Melt 1 tablespoon margarine in a saucepan 2. Add the 4 tablespoons peanut butter and 6 tablespoons honey, and raise temperature to medium. Stir and let the mixture bubble and boil for about one minute 3. Turn off the heat and add 1 teaspoon vanilla extract.

  3. Mix the crisp brown rice cereal and coconut together and then tip the mixture into the saucepan and mix well until cereal is well coated with the sauce.

  4. Turn the mixture into the well greased 9-inch baking tray, spread evenly and pat the mixture down firmly 6. Allow to cool for at least 60 minutes and then cut into 16- 2 inch squares. The Brown Rice Krispy Treats cut best when left to set for at least 12 hours.

  5. SERVING 7. Wrap in candy paper or just arrange on a tray or platter.

  6. For the Soft and Chewy Popcorn Balls:

  7. MAKING 1. Melt 2 tablespoons margarine in a saucepan 2. Add 4 tablespoons peanut butter, 4 tablespoons honey and 2 tablespoons molasses and raise temperature to medium. Stir and let the mixture bubble and boil for about one minute 3. Turn off the heat and add 1 teaspoon vanilla extract.

  8. Mix popcorn and peanuts in a large greased bowl. Pour the heated mixture onto the popcorn and peanuts.

  9. Mix well with a spoon. Wait until the mixture cools and then mix with your hands.

  10. Press the popcorn mixture together firmly and shape into popcorn balls, approximately 3 inches in diameter. These popcorn balls will be soft and chewy.

  11. SERVING 7. Place each ball in a small paper case or wrap in candy paper.

  12. NOTE Be sure to remove any unpopped popcorn seeds before making the treats. To remove the seeds I sifted through the popcorn while transferring it from one bowl to another.


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