Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. A chocolate cupcake

  2. Cupcake frosting, tinted light purple or lavender

  3. Sour apple gummy ring

  4. Kitchen knife

  5. 2 yellow ones for the eyes and 1 purple one for the nose

  6. Black decorator's gel or icing

  7. A few chocolate sprinkles

  8. Black or purple gumdrop

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Frost half of the cupcake top, spreading the frosting in a wide arc that resembles a grin.

  2. Flip over the sour apple gummy ring so the white side faces up. Cut a small section away from the top of the ring, as shown (an adult's job).

  3. Now score the candy to create wide teeth (again, adults only).

  4. Place the gummy teeth on the frosted portion of the cupcake, pressing down lightly to stick the candy in place.

  5. Set the candies for the nose and eyes in place, centering them on the cupcake at the upper edge of the frosting. Top each eye with a small dot of black decorator's gel or icing.

  6. For whiskers, arrange a few chocolate sprinkles on both sides of the nose.

  7. For the finishing touch, cut two matching triangles from the gumdrop and use dabs of frosting to stick them in place for the ears.


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