• 180minutes

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Nutrition Info . . .

NutrientsProteins, Lipids
VitaminsB3, B12, D
MineralsZinc, Copper, Natrium, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Cobalt

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 3 1/2 - 4 lb Chuck Eye Roast, grass-fed

  2. 12oz Roasted Red Peppers

  3. 1/3 c Paprika, Hungarian sweet

  4. 2 tbl Tomato Paste

  5. 2 tsp White Vinegar

  6. 2 tbl Olive Oil

  7. 4 Onions, chopped

  8. 2 c Carrots, chopped

  9. 1 Bay Leaf

  10. 1-2 c Beef Broth

  11. 1/4 c Sour Cream

  12. 1 tsp White Vinegar

  13. 2 tsp Sea Salt

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Paprika Cream Blend the roasted red bell pepper, paprika, tomato paste, and 2 tsp vinegar in a food processor or blender and set aside.

  2. Stew Preheat oven to 325*.

  3. Cut your roast into stew sized chunks, salt, cover and set aside.

  4. In a dutch oven, add olive oil over medium heat.

  5. Add olive oil, add the onions, some salt and cook them for about 10 minutes.

  6. (DO NOT let them caramelize. You're just sweating them.)

  7. Add the paprika cream to the onions. Stir it in and cook the mixture for another 5 - 10 minutes until the sauce starts to stick to the bottom of the pot and form a gummy paste.

  8. Add the uncooked beef, carrots, and bay leaf to the pot. Add some kosher sea salt, and then mix everything.

  9. Cover with a lid and place in a 325 degree oven for 2- 2 1/2 hours.

  10. (Do not add any liquid at this time. That's because the onions provide plenty of liquid as they slowly cook down.)

  11. After the 2- 2 1/2 hours, remove from oven and add enough beef broth to almost cover the beef, 1-2 cups, leave a little meat poking out. Mix it in, cover again and put it back in the oven for another 30 minutes.

  12. Take out of the oven. Skim the fat off the top. Remove bay leaf.

  13. Add the sour cream and 1 tsp white vinegar. Mix.

  14. Serve over boiled potatoes or noodles.


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