• 2servings
  • 60minutes

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Nutrition Info . . .

MineralsNatrium, Phosphorus

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. cubed steak

  2. A floret of broccoli

  3. 1 whole cauliflower

  4. 2 carrots

  5. 2 large potatoes

  6. Gravy stock

  7. Salt

  8. Plain flour

  9. Lard

  10. Worcestershire Sauce

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Pre-heat the oven to about 430-480F.

  2. Place the meat in a deep baking tin and run in about half an inch of cold water in the bottom.

  3. Sprinkle some of the gravy stock over the meat and add a few drops of the Worcestershire Sauce.

  4. Add herbs to taste, I decided on the Thyme, but you could easily use a little basil or a few bay leaves to this dish (remember to fish em out after, chewing on bay leaves is not nice)

  5. Place this little dish of wonder in the oven.

  6. These vegetables has been home grown so chop into preferred sizes and wash thoroughly.

  7. Place in a dry pan and leave for a while.

  8. Chop the carrots into disks and place in the same pan as the other vegetables.

  9. Wash and peel the spuds then dice into about 2cm square cubes, the trick here is to get them sized right so they cook just right in time with the meat. Mine came out a little on the soft side.

  10. Put the spuds in with the meat, which should have been in the oven about 20 minutes by now, and mix them up a bit.

  11. Then put a foil lid on the oven dish and toss back in the oven.

  12. Notes on vegetables: You can use almost any vegetable you want, I chose cauliflower and broccoli because that's what they had at the local shop. Turnips and Parsnips work well and add to the winter feel of the dish.

  13. In hindsight it would have been a better option to put the carrots in the oven mix with the spuds.

  14. Its also recommended to throw some white onion in the mix too, but no one I was cooking for likes onions (me included) so they got left out.

  15. Put the right amounts of lard/butter/marge in a bowl with the plain flour.

  16. Side Note: There are a bazillion different ways to make pastry, I just chose a simple shortcrust method and stuck with it. I'm not going to go into my measurements and things as pastry is a skill in its self and thoroughly deserving of its own recipe post.

  17. Plunge your hands in and start working it steadily together by rubbing through your fingers.

  18. You should get a nice crumbly even mixture at the end.

  19. Add 2-3 tablespoons of cold water to the mix and work the water in until you have a play-dough like feel to the mix.

  20. Roll the pastry into a ball (if the surface cracks you might need a touch more water) and wrap in some kitchen wrap, place in the fridge for about 20 minutes.

  21. Take the pastry out the fridge and roll out to the right size.

  22. Take the meat and spuds out of the oven, remove the foil and transfer the contents to your pie dish, if you used bay leaves now is the time to take them out.

  23. My problem here is that the dish was a little too big for the amount of filling I had used. Easy fix, use a smaller dish.

  24. Top the dish with your pastry and pop the whole thing back in the oven, make sure you seal the pastry as best you can.

  25. Start all your vegetables simmering (it helps if you use a kettle to pre boil some water) and leave the whole lot for 20 minutes. I used this time to whip up some gravy using stock cubes and granules and set some plates out.

  26. Just keep an eye on the vegetables, if you over cook it you'll make it go mushy and loose all the tasty vitamins.

  27. Then when its done serve and enjoy!

  28. Now that you have learned how to make traditional meat and potato pie, please be sure to view these other beef recipes . Also, you will love these English / Scottish recipes .


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