Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. Maida/All purpose flour 2 Cup (32 tbs)

  2. Powdered sugar 1 Cup (16 tbs)

  3. Ghee 34 Cup (12 tbs) (clarified butter)

  4. Green cardamom 10 (remove the skin and crush the seeds)

  5. Baking soda 12 Teaspoon

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Directions Heat ghee till it melts.

  2. Seive maida and sugar in a mixing bowl and add baking soda and powdered cardamom together.

  3. Add ghee little by little and prepare a soft dough without adding water.

  4. Keep it aside with a tight lid for about 4 to 5 hours.

  5. Now preheat the oven at 300 degree F for ten minutes.

  6. In the mean while line the baking trey with Parchment paper. Make small balls from the dough and keep it on the trey. Maintain some gap between the cookies.

  7. Now place it in the oven for 40 minutes till done.

  8. Set it aside for 10 minutes and transfer it on to a wire rack to cool down completely. store in a airtight container.


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