Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 1 TBS whole wheat flour

  2. 1 1/2 cups rolled oats

  3. 1/2 TBS cinnamon (who likes cinnamon ?!)

  4. 1/2 tsp baking soda (*the "Hip Chick" says baking soda isn't used in macrobiotic cooking but she couldn't help herself in this recipe. I used it too!)

  5. 1/4 tsp sea salt

  6. 1/2 cup Blue Agave syrup

  7. 3 TBS canola oil

  8. 1 tsp vanilla

  9. 1/3 cup fruit preserves (unsweetened is preferred)

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Preheat oven to 350 F. In a bowl, mix the flour through the salt. Add the syrup, oil and vanilla an mix until blended. Spray a 9” square glass baking dish with non-stick spray (or, stick to macrobiotics and rub with canola/corn oil). Dip a large spoon in water and press half of the oat mixture into the bottom of the glass dish. Top with the fruit preserves. Cover the preserves with the remaining oat mixture, dipping your spoon in water again to make spreading easier. Bake for 30 minutes. Allow to cool before cutting. ENJOY!


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