Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 1 lb. very lean ground beef

  2. 1 tsp. Accent

  3. Salt and pepper

  4. 2 tbsp. instant minced onion

  5. 1/2 c. soft bread crumbs

  6. 1/4 c. milk

  7. 2 tbsp. all purpose flour

  8. 2 tbsp. butter

  9. 3 tbsp. molasses

  10. 3 tbsp. prepared mustard

  11. 3 tbsp. vinegar

  12. 1/4 c. catsup

  13. 1/4 tsp. thyme

  14. Wooden toothpicks

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. In a mixing bowl, blend meat with Accent, salt, pepper and minced onion. Use a light hand. Combine bread and milk. Add to meat. Toss lightly until well combined. Form into 3/4 inch ball. Roll in flour. Melt butter in large skillet over medium-high heat. Add meatballs and brown. Combine remaining ingredients. Add to meatballs. Simmer over low heat about 10 minutes, or until sauce thickens, stirring occasionally. Serve hot in a chafing dish with toothpicks. Makes about 50 meatballs.


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