Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method -- -- --

  2. 8 ounces cream cheese

  3. 8 ounces sour cream

  4. 1 jar armour dry beef -- (chop)

  5. 4 ounces grated chedder cheese

  6. lea-perrins sauce sprinkle

  7. garlic to taste

  8. tabasco to taste

  9. 3 chopped green onions

  10. round sour dough bread loft

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Preparation :

  2. Wrap in foil 350 degrees 45 minutes.

  3. Combine all ingredients and mix until well blended. Hollow out center of the Sour Dough round and place cheese mixture in the hollowed out cavity. Wrap the round in foil and bake at 350=F8F for 45 minutes. Tear sour dough removed from round into pieces and use for dipping.


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