• 2servings
  • 40minutes

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Nutrition Info . . .

NutrientsProteins, Lipids, Carbohydrates, Cellulose
VitaminsB6, H, C, D
MineralsNatrium, Chromium, Iron, Magnesium, Chlorine, Cobalt

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. Spicy Lime Idiyappam:

  2. 1 1/2 Cup Idiappam

  3. 2 1/2 Tbsp Lime Juice

  4. 1/4 Tsp Mustard seeds, Split Chick peas, Split Black Gram,Turmeric powder.

  5. 2 Green Chillies

  6. 2 Sprigs Curry leafs

  7. 3 Dry Red Chillies

  8. 1 Pinch Asafoetida

  9. 2 1/2 Tbsp Oil

  10. Salt to taste.

  11. Sweet Coconut Idiyappam:

  12. 1 Cup Cooked Idiyappam

  13. 1/4 Cup Fresh Grated Coconut

  14. 2 Tbsp Sugar

  15. 1/4 Tsp Cardamom powder

  16. 2 Tbsp Clarified Butter/Ghee (Optional)

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Method For Spicy Idiyappam:

  2. Separate the Idiappam using hands or fork before preparation.

  3. Heat oil in a wok add mustard seeds to splutter add split chick peas and black gram fry a bit add dry red chillies and green chillies fry a bit add curry leafs and turmeric powder along with asafoetida and fry add salt and 1 tbsp of lime juice and remove from fire.

  4. Add the idiappam and mix well check for salt and sour taste if needed add salt and lime juice. Mix well and serve with pickle...Enjoy..:)

  5. Method for Sweet Idiappam:

  6. Separate the Idiappam using hands or fork before preparation.

  7. Add freshly grated coconut sugar and cardamom powder mix well and serve add clarified butter before serving...Enjoy...:)


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