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    Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

    1. 2 Haas avocados, cut into 1/2-inch segments

    2. For pico de gallo 1/2 Cup (16 tbs)

    3. Cilantro 1 Tablespoon , chopped

    4. Juice of 1 fresh lime

    5. Pomegranate seeds 2 Tablespoon

    6. Sea salt To Taste

    Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

    1. Directions Makes approximately 2 cups Place avocado in a glass or other non-reactive bowl, being careful not to mash the segments. Add pico de gallo, cilantro and lime juice to bowl. Stir well, but carefully. Add pomegranate seeds, and finish with sea salt to taste. Stir just to mix ingredients.

    2. Beauty Tip:

    3. Have an extra half of an avocado? Why not make a dry skin mask! Avocados are deeply nourishing to your skin and are full of vitamins and other skin soothers. All you have to do is mash one-half of an avocado in a wooden bowl until it's creamy. Then apply the mashed avocado to a clean, dry face using circular motions and avoiding the eye area. After 20-30 minutes, wash the avocado mask off your face with warm water. It’s that easy. For extra moisture, mix a teaspoon each of olive oil and honey in with the avocado before applying it to your face.

    4. Safety Reminder: Be sure to test a small amount of the mixture on your arm ahead of time to make sure you’re not sensitive to any of the ingredients in the facial mask.


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