• 8servings
  • 300minutes

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Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 3 box(es) (6 oz , 4-serving size) lemon flavor gelatin

  2. 3 box(es) (6 oz , 4-serving size) grape flavored gelatin

  3. Wilton Icing Mix

  4. Orange, white, red, yellow and black Wilton icing colors

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Line bottoms of two 9-in. square pans with wax paper. Prepare 3 boxes lemon gelatin and 3 boxes grape gelatin according to package directions. Pour lemon into one pan and grape into the other. Refrigerate until firm.

  2. Remove gelatin from pans and cut into candy corn, broom, cat and witch hat shapes using 3-in. cutters. Tint icing mix orange, white, red, yellow and black with icing colors. Put each in a ziptop bag; cut off one corner.

  3. Pipe on designs as shown.


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