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    Nutrition Info . . .

    NutrientsCarbohydrates, Cellulose

    Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

    1. 10 lb Ham;

    2. 6 c Coca-cola

    3. 1 c Brown Sugar; Dark, Packed

    4. 1 tb Mustard; Dry

    5. 2 tb Mustard; Prepared, Sharp

    6. 2 c Bread Crumbs; Fine, Dry

    Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

    1. * Ham should be one of the precooked hams.

    2. Not one of the specialty cured or canned hams.

    3. Just the standard bone in ham in the meat counter.

    4. ++ ++ Preheat oven to 325 degrees F.

    5. Place ham, fat side down, in a shallow baking pan.

    6. Pour coke into pan until it is 1/2-inch deep.

    7. Bake 2 to 3 hours, or until ham can be easily pierced with a fork, basting with the Coca-Cola every 15 to 20 minutes.

    8. (Center of ham will read 140 degrees F on a meat thermometer when properly cooked.

    9. ) Remove ham from the pan and cool.

    10. Cut away rind and fat with a sharp knife.

    11. Combine sugar, mustards, bread crumbs, and enough Coke to form a thick paste.

    12. Place ham on roasting rack in pan and pat all over with the paste.

    13. Add remaining coke to the bottom of the pan.

    14. Increase the temperature to 375 degrees F.

    15. and bake the ham 45 minutes longer, basting every 20 to 15 minutes until sugar-mustard paste has melted to a dark glaze.

    16. Let stand at room temperature 30 minutes before slicing.

    17. __-- * OLX 2.

    18. TD * The cat is domestic only as far as it suits its own ends.

    19. ~-- Silver Xpress Mail System 5.

    20. M1 * Origin: Salata * Redondo Beach, CA * 310-543-0439 V.

    21. bis (1:102/125) PATH: 102/125 129 138 2 209/209 396/1 3660/816 3651/7



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